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Faith Under His Wings

If you keep cutting corners, you’ll end up with a circle!  My son, Isaac, just gifted me with a delightful dose of his daily wisdom.  More times than not, his bits of knowledge are hilarious. However, today this piece of enlightenment seemed to mesh quite well with my blog thoughts. 

The children of Israel wandered in the desert for forty years.  Most able-bodied people could have walked the distance in 11 to 14 days!  You might ask, “Heaven’s to Betsy, what took them so long?” I can explain, they were cutting corners and “walking in circles,” so to speak!  

The Israelites kept groaning and giving God reasons why they couldn’t take the land that He had already promised them!  They felt as small as grasshoppers when they saw how big and strong the giants were in the land. However, they failed to accept that their God was much bigger and stronger than all the giants.  Therefore, God caused them to wander for forty years because of their disobedience and unbelief. None of those who doubted God were ever allowed to go into the Promised Land! Yikes!

Fast forward a few years…and then a few more, we find ourselves facing our own giants that make us feel like tiny grasshoppers in the face of our enemy.  However, we’ve been taught to claim God’s promises from his Holy Word.  

 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.  Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.    Psalms 91:4-6 (Continue reading in Psalms for further promises.)

Yet, when we must face our own giants such as:

  1.  the death of a loved one
  2.  a difficult journey with a wayward child
  3. the effects of ungodly parents 
  4. the frightening loss or stress of a job
  5. the heartbreaking loss of a relationship 
  6. a painful physical illness 
  7. debilitating depression
  8. demanding schedules
  9. Addiction
  10. abuse

we are tempted to say, “God the giant is too big for me to conquer.  I am much too tired, too hurt, and obviously too weak to fight this battle.”  When this happens, we are essentially saying, “God the enemy is too big. I don’t think you can handle this problem.” 

Yet, we continue the struggle while attempting to take things slowly…one decision at a time…on our own.  We repeatedly fall and get back up to fight alone. How long we are stranded in this desert depends upon how long it takes us to realize just how all-powerful and all-knowing our God is every single situation…YES, even our situation!

Remember, when we cut corners, we end up going in pointless circles and getting nowhere really fast! God will allow us to stay in that ‘self proclaimed desert’ as long as we refuse to have faith in his ability to defeat the enemy.   Instead of focusing on ourselves, we should be placing our faith in God and running under the shelter of His wings for the protection of, not only our sanity, but also our hearts. Under the shelter of his wings, He will provide everything we need and protect us from the enemy. 

You may ask, “What am I supposed to do while the battle rages on and I am waiting under the shelter of his wings?”  I’m glad you asked that question! There are numerous things God may lead you do, but I’ll mention a few to get you started.

Read. You should read his word daily for direction, understanding, peace, comfort, and love.

Pray.  Ask God to continually guide you through the mine-fields of life.  Pray for your enemy because Satan has overtaken them and turned them against you.  Pray for patience as you wait for an answer.

Help Others.  Just because you are in a battle, doesn’t mean that you don’t have the capability to help others, who are certainly facing their own struggles.  Ask God to show you who needs help and how to help them. Never doubt, God’s wing-span goes far beyond your current location.

Have faith.  Say to God, “I don’t have a clue how you are going to solve my giant of a problem, but I know you are bigger than any giant I have ever or will ever face! God I leave it in your hands!

Praise Him!  It’s a fact that we can NOT feel helpless and defeated when we lift their hands and truthfully say, “God I praise your holy name!  You are all I need! I trust you.” Go ahead and try it!

Sing.  Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!

Give thanks.  Thank Him for the answer that’s surely on its way!

Use your talents.  You may think you don’t have talents, but I assure you that you do!  Usually, it’s the things you love to do. It’s the things that you do well.  God gave us all talents for His glory.

Attend church regularly.  Last, but not least, make sure you attend church as often as possible.  God will speak to you personally through the pastor and possibly others.  Your heart will be encouraged by the fellowship of others.

Hey ya’ll!  Keep the faith and don’t be defeated by those pesky circles! God is bigger than anything you face! I hope to see you in The Promise Land.

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