• Life

    A Scavenger Hunt!

    Reflection is a great tool!  Not only does it help us to self-assess in order to go forward in life as a better person, it also helps us to appreciate fond memories.  In addition, it shows us how God has directed our steps throughout life. Now that we who are mainly confined to our homes because of the Coronavirus are getting so bored, I thought it would be a great time to go on a reflective scavenger hunt!  For those of you on the front lines battling the Coronavirus, God bless you and thank you! I know you don’t have time for such activities right now, but I pray you…

  • Life,  Missions

    The World in Time-Out

    He knows the number of hairs on our heads, though the number changes often, He counts the stars, and He knows how many grains of sand are on each beach.  Why…because they are purposefully made. Everything God does is on purpose! Many times we shrug our shoulders and say we’ve had the worst day ever, when God has actually allowed those things to happen because He knew they would protect us from things that were much worse.  We must learn to trust God. He knows what he is doing. Period. Is God working within the boundaries of the Caronavirus?  He has never not been working within our lives as individuals,…