• Prayer

    Disconnect the Noise

    Yesterday Picture a child of the 1970’s or before. There were no computers, cell phone usage, or politically biased news stations.  Children didn’t have violence and x-rated games to babysit them.  They didn’t have Tik Tok, instagram, snapchat, or facebook filling their heads with insane ideas of what it takes to be successful (nudeness, stupidity, ungodliness, and dangerousness). The television shows were wholesome and taught value.  The news wasn’t about bashing a certain political party; it was about telling the truth and keeping the public informed.  The cartoons weren’t filled with hidden adult agenda or bad language. There was discipline in most homes which carried over to the schools.  Homes…

  • Prayer

    No Seashells in Heaven

    It just came to me today that there won’t be any seashells in Heaven.  Imagine that!  My hobby of seashell hunting will be no more.  How do I know?  I know, because there is no death in Heaven. I’ve collected seashells for as many years as I’ve gone to the beach.  I don’t really know what draws me to them other than their unusual shapes, textures, and color.  I don’t think about their nasty smell as I am excitedly searching for the next “treasure.”  Nor do I think about the fact that they are nothing more than empty tombs of what once was living. The shells that I choose must…

  • Prayer

    Heaven Sent

    Part 6 of a Mother’s Day Series It’s funny when I try to imagine what God might have said to my children before he sent them from Heaven to me.  (Yes, creative minds think silly things like this all the time. Please assure me I’m not the only one!) God begins to explain, “Now, the thing about your mother is…ummm she’s a little bit out there sometimes and well…She will no doubt embarrass you from time to time. But, there are lessons that you need to learn from her that you wouldn’t learn from anyone else.  So, just trust me on this one, okay?” Bethany complains, “But, I don’t have…

  • Prayer

    Caught In My Mother’s Storm

    Did you know that just the mention of Mother’s Day brings an immediate tightening sensation in many adult children’s chest and sadness to their heart.  The women don’t even consider the fact that they will be genuinely celebrated as a mother.  Furthermore, most of these adult children do not discuss their feelings openly. Why?  Because somewhere in their past, they have been so tragically and painfully caught up in their mother’s storm that they don’t want to revisit the turmoil. Yet, they carry it like a ball and chain day in and day out. __________ Lisa looks at her children with tears in her eyes and wonders how her mother…

  • Prayer

    The Imperfect Mother

    Part 4 of a Mother’s Day Series Dear Momma, You are not a failure.  You may never hear it from your children because they don’t know the magnitude of your heart.  You may not have achieved all that you had dreamed as a mother, but you gave all you had every single day. You are appreciated.  Your children never tell you that you are appreciated because you continue to give no matter what.  You don’t require their thanks.  They assume you know  how important you are to them and that you will always be there. You are special.  When you walk through the door, your children’s hearts feels like their…

  • Bereaved Mothers,  Death

    Bereaved Mothers

    Part 3 of a Mother’s Day Series I can’t even begin to imagine how it would feel to lose a child to death. I’ve been close several times and during those times, my heart seemed to shrivel beneath the weight of sorrow.  I was speechless, but felt like screaming.  Frozen in fear and desperation, I realized that I alone was incapable of changing my situation.  There was not one thing that I could do to save the child that I loved more than life.  I went through all of the stages of questioning God, crying, disbelief, resentment, feeling hopeless, and anger. At one point I prayed, “God, if you take…

  • Prayer

    Single Mothers

    Part 2 in a Mother’s Day Series To say you are scared, lonely, heartbroken, sometimes angry, and many times insecure is an understatement.  This is not the life that you dreamed of since you were a little girl. This is not fair! This is not right!!! How could God allow this to happen?  You have begged him to make it right.  You are a Christian.  You have faith.  So, why is it not happening the way you want it to happen? God put us all on this earth and gave us free will.  We are not puppets on strings that are maneuvered by our maker.  Each person makes their own…

  • Prayer

    The Weight of Abortion

    Part 1 of a Mother’s Day Series The choice that she made years ago still rests heavily upon her heart.  Every time she hears a baby cry, a toddler giggle, or see a smile on the face of a child, her mind is drawn back to what might have been.  Her decision was made in panic, fear, embarrassment, and to be honest out of selfishness.  She now understands this truth.  Since then, she has become a different, more responsible person who has a close relationship with Christ.  She has asked for forgiveness every time the abortion comes to her mind.  Then, Satan comes along behind her request and reminds her…

  • Prayer

    Questioning your Salvation

    I dare say there are very few saved people who have never doubted their salvation at one time or another.  It is one way in which Satan uses to hinder Christians causing them to worry constantly about themselves instead of concentrating on the true lost folk.  In today’s world we see a lot of anxiety and depression, yes, even in Christians.  Satan hits these people extremely hard because he knows their weakness. However, sometimes the doubt is the Holy Spirit convicting you of the fact that you never truly asked Jesus to save you.  I’ve heard people say that there is no shame in falling in the mud, but there…