Bereaved Mothers,  Death

Bereaved Mothers

Part 3 of a Mother’s Day Series

I can’t even begin to imagine how it would feel to lose a child to death. I’ve been close several times and during those times, my heart seemed to shrivel beneath the weight of sorrow.  I was speechless, but felt like screaming.  Frozen in fear and desperation, I realized that I alone was incapable of changing my situation.  There was not one thing that I could do to save the child that I loved more than life.  I went through all of the stages of questioning God, crying, disbelief, resentment, feeling hopeless, and anger. At one point I prayed, “God, if you take my baby, just take me too.”

Before long, I realized that even though I am incapable of healing my child, I serve a God who can.  I began to pray and cry out to God with every drop of faith that I could muster.  I’m not talking about praying for a week in faith.  I’m talking about praying continually for healing for years.  Not only did I pray for my child, but also myself and my husband.  We were broken and exhausted.

If you’ve lost a child, I know you have gone through all of the stages that I did.  Yet, you found that it was God’s Will to take your child home to Heaven instead.  It doesn’t seem fair that the world would go on without them.  Your hopes and dreams for them vanished in a single moment.  More than part of you died that day.  However, you are forced to go on in this life with your heart in your throat.  What now?  You must learn to trust that God knows what he is doing.  It won’t be easy, but God will make a way.

I hope and pray this poem gives you at least a bit of comfort in your loss.


I remember the beat of your heart,
And the warmth of your gentle touch.
Your voice soothed my trembling soul,
Oh, how I still love you so much!

And although I didn't get to stay there with you,
For the lifetime like you had planned,
Someday we'll be reunited here,
And Mama, Heaven is truly grand!

I know the distance seems so far,
But I'm only a heartbeat away.
You can still sing me love songs,
As you go about your day.

And you can smile as I do Mama,
I'll always hold you in my heart. 
When Jesus joined us together,
He knew we'd never truly part.

I promise, it won't be so very long,
You'll soon hold me close once more,
And we will spend eternity,
Doing all the things we missed before.

Until we meet again Mama,
Just cling to Jesus like I do.
He's holding me with one hand in Heaven,
And with the other hand he's holding you!

Happy Mother's Day Mama!

He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3