
Disconnect the Noise


Picture a child of the 1970’s or before. There were no computers, cell phone usage, or politically biased news stations.  Children didn’t have violence and x-rated games to babysit them.  They didn’t have Tik Tok, instagram, snapchat, or facebook filling their heads with insane ideas of what it takes to be successful (nudeness, stupidity, ungodliness, and dangerousness).

The television shows were wholesome and taught value.  The news wasn’t about bashing a certain political party; it was about telling the truth and keeping the public informed.  The cartoons weren’t filled with hidden adult agenda or bad language. There was discipline in most homes which carried over to the schools.  Homes taught moral standards, work ethic, responsibility, and so did society in general.  In addition, children were intentionally protected from adult issues whenever possible.  In fact, there were a whole lot less grandparents raising children.

I picture a young child playing outside under an apple tree or in the stream by the house all day long.  Then at night, they raced around carrying a glass jar with holes in the lid while chasing “lightening bugs.”  There were hours spent pretending with Barbie dolls and action figures.  There was always some kind of sport (even if it was made up) to participate in with the neighborhood kids.  

The Sundays were held sacred and Summers were filled with memorizing the books of the Bible, Bible Stories, and games in Vacation Bible School.  Children learned the skills of helping in the kitchen or garden, fixing cars, or construction.  You can’t convince me that life was harder though because the work brought satisfaction and maturity.

Education and teachers were valued and supported by the parents.  If children got in trouble at school, they were gonna be in trouble at home.  Education was viewed as a key to success and an honest future in society.

Fast Forward

Now picture a child of today.  

Today, our children have a new normal.  They have to listen to the LOUD continuous rage of society on television, social media, in public, and often at home.  Home…the children of today really don’t know what to expect when they get home.  They often fear there will be loneliness, physical or sexual abuse, or chaos from drug usage similar to the previous day.  

Some children seek solace in today’s television programs where real life, nor value, is the norm. Others turn to their phone looking at pornography, making lewd videos, or inappropriate photos.  They are pressured by social media sites to do ridiculous things in order to gain a following. Still, other children spend numerous hours on video games filled with killing and filthy language.

There are the same sports today, but the children are pressured to always BE THE BEST!  They insist, if you are not the best, you must stay in school until you are the best.  Yet, education is not considered the key.  Parents teach they will gain popularity and success in sports.  Sports come first!  

Speaking of Education, it is no longer valued.  The teachers and administration are known as the enemy.  The same people who are with the students more hours a day than the parents, who provide lessons, love, guidance, support, and etc., are now considered the ones who are to be disrespected or ignored.  In short, the students have successfully learned to pit the parent against the teacher in order to get out of specific work or situations.

Unfortunately, there are so many broken homes today that children have been given the job of parenting themselves.  Compassion, morals, respect, and perseverance are not taught to the child.  They simply see themselves as the boss.  When they go to school and find they are no longer in charge, that’s where the disconnect and chaos begins.

Sundays are no longer held sacred.  Some families must get their rest on Sunday’s to be able to function the rest of the week!  Other families use this day to shop at the flea market, the grocery store, or the mall.  Many coaches use this day to sharpen their players’ skills.  The list goes on and on.  Our children are taught there is no time or place for God…unless it is to reverence other religions’ gods. They must do that!

As a newly retired teacher of elementary children, I have seen a significant change in students over the past 25 years.  They seem to be less motivated,  more prone to anxiety and depression from outside expectations, more prone to suffer the side effects of parental drug abuse, and show a greater intolerance for guidance.

Is there any wonder as to why our children are turning to drugs?

Is there any wonder as to why our children are being aggressive and rude?

Is there any wonder as to why our children have no work ethic? 

Is there any wonder as to why our children are becoming suicidal? 

Is there any wonder as to why our children are taking no responsibility?  

Not only have parents and society neglected them, but also our government.

 In part, I am extremely thankful that I was raised before 1980!  I am convinced that I would have been a much different adult if I had been raised in today’s world.  But, the other part of me aches to the core because my children and grandchildren have to be raised in this generation’s mess.  Furthermore, there is no going back!  The Bible says it will only get worse.  So, what are we to do to protect our families?  

We must aggressively and wholeheartedly do what the world views as useless: 

  • Disconnect the NOISE. Limit and stay on top of television, games, and social media.
  • Pray harder and more specifically about everything.
  • Consistently, teach them what God expects in word and modeling.
  • Keep open communication.  Explain why things are not true or right.
  • Ask questions.
  • Be supportive.
  • Always keep God’s time sacred.

No doubt, you can think of other things to do in order to raise a well balanced, Godly child in this LOUD generation.  Just do your part and trust God to do the rest.

13  Wherefore gird up thy loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace, that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

14  As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:

15  But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;

16  Because it is written, be ye holy; for I am holy.

1 Peter 1:13-16