• Children,  Church,  Family,  Life,  Mental Health

    Reaching Victory

     Coming from a private school to a public setting was initially a culture shock for me to say the least.  But, I was still young, new to teaching, full of spunk, and had dreams of changing the world!  Then, I was given a classroom of kids who, for the most part, were neglected, abused, or shockingly poor.  Their lifestyles and appreciation for education were vastly different from what I had previously witnessed.  I had to ask myself, “Do these kids even have a chance in life?”  “Yes, yes they do,” I quickly decided. That year, I had the privilege to teach a special young lady. I’ll never forget her angelic…

  • Church,  Family,  Life,  Mental Health,  Missions,  School

    Left Behind

    Be the Light that Leads the Way to Freedom! Oskar Schindler is well known for his bravery, tenacity, and dedication because he was willing to lose all of his wealth and risk his own life in order to help roughly 1,200 Jews escape certain death in German concentration camps.  Today, he and his wife Emilie, are buried in Jerusalem on Mount Zion.  They were named Righteous Among the Nations by the Israeli government in 1993. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery.  She was beaten, mentally abused, and acquired a life-long head injury from one of her various masters.  Yet, Tubman began to receive premonitions from God which led her to…

  • Children,  Church,  Family,  Life,  School

    Education Is Vital

    After Covid-19 hit, every student was quickly given a Chromebook, a password, and a set of written directions.  The students had an extremely short period of time to learn how to work their new Chrome books.  To their bewilderment, quite a few students lived beyond the point of internet service. This required the students to work out of a packet and hand in work pages weekly.  Teachers were directed to take attendance, upload daily lessons, and have daily live classes.  Unfortunately, they received a minimal prior explanation on how to create lessons online or how to present live lessons.  Students and teachers were doing a whole lot of self-teaching. Needless…

  • Children,  Church,  Family,  Life,  Married Life,  Prayer

    Faith Under His Wings

    If you keep cutting corners, you’ll end up with a circle!  My son, Isaac, just gifted me with a delightful dose of his daily wisdom.  More times than not, his bits of knowledge are hilarious. However, today this piece of enlightenment seemed to mesh quite well with my blog thoughts.  The children of Israel wandered in the desert for forty years.  Most able-bodied people could have walked the distance in 11 to 14 days!  You might ask, “Heaven’s to Betsy, what took them so long?” I can explain, they were cutting corners and “walking in circles,” so to speak!   The Israelites kept groaning and giving God reasons why they couldn’t…

  • Children,  Church,  Life,  Prayer

    From The Cradle To The Cross

    How prepared is your child for what lies ahead?  How well have you trained them for the storms that are sure to come? Recently, I asked kids of varying ages if they could tell me something that their parents had taught them about life.  I received the following answers: Be nice, Stay out of trouble, Take up for myself, Don’t do drama, Live life to the fullest because it’s short, Don’t steal, and I really don’t remember.  Although the above responses are good ones… except the, “I don’t remember one,” they do very little to give children the survival skills they need to be happy, productive, and successful in life.…

  • Children,  Church,  Family,  Life

    The Apple of His Eye

    I’ll never forget one specific day when I took my sixteen month old daughter to church.  I was so proud of her. She was dressed in a frilly, pink eyelet dress that was accompanied by a soft white sweater. She had the biggest shiny brown eyes. Tiny auburn ringlets bounced all around her little head.  She had chubby cheeks and a smile that would melt hearts. I just knew everyone wished they had a daughter as beautiful as mine! I, myself, had dreamed of a daughter like her for as long as I could remember. One of my former classmates visited church that day and brought her little girl that…

  • Church,  Family,  Life,  Prayer

    What’s Your Battle Cry?

    May I politely ask, what is your battle cry?  What do you shout when you are in trouble? Okay, maybe you don’t shout literally, but who do you call upon in your time of need?  Who do you cry out to help you in sickness or loneliness? Who do you call upon when you have problems with your children? Who do you call upon when your husband has decided he doesn’t want to be married to you anymore?  Who do you call upon when you don’t have money for the pile of bills on the table? A battle cry is known to be used to rally a group of soldiers…