Children,  Church,  Family,  Life,  School

Education Is Vital

After Covid-19 hit, every student was quickly given a Chromebook, a password, and a set of written directions.  The students had an extremely short period of time to learn how to work their new Chrome books.  To their bewilderment, quite a few students lived beyond the point of internet service. This required the students to work out of a packet and hand in work pages weekly.  Teachers were directed to take attendance, upload daily lessons, and have daily live classes.  Unfortunately, they received a minimal prior explanation on how to create lessons online or how to present live lessons.  Students and teachers were doing a whole lot of self-teaching.

Needless to say, teachers, students, and parents were stressed to the max!  I’m assuming the central office staff was also stressed as their jobs now required an increased amount of direction and support.  No one in the system knew how the whole on-line plan was going to work or be evaluated in the end.

Some students decided that this new way of learning was too hard and simply quit logging on.  They chose to fail rather than try.  Several teachers were overwhelmed because they felt helpless in getting their lessons across with their usual quality and effectiveness.  Rather than fail the students, they left the teaching profession.

Today, educators all over are fretting because students are at least two years behind on their learning.  Everyone agrees that online learning simply isn’t as valuable as in-person learning. Kindergarteners and First Graders had more to lose because they missed the core framework of learning how to read, learning to work with numbers, and learning crucial social skills.  Some students, regretfully, will fall through the cracks and never catch up.  Which ones?  The ones who do not have parental support will never reach their full potential.

Now, let’s explore what happened to Biblical Education after Covid-19 hit.  Churches were forced to close their doors!  There were no in-person sermons.  There was no Sunday School.  There was no in-person praise and worship.  There was no fellowship and uplifting of the saints.  There was no praying at the altar.  For a short period, churches had outside services, but it just wasn’t the same.  

Like the schools, churches began to have on-line services.  “(on-line learning) I’m laughing, but not really”  How effective do you think they were?  Yes, to some extent, they actually were!  The ones that cared enough to listen learned.  There were people that were reached online that would not have been saved had it not been for the on-line streaming. Again, they were the ones that put forth the effort.  Yet, for the congregation, like the classrooms, the on-line services could not compare to the quality and effectiveness of in-person services.

Pastors were in anguish because they knew that the majority of their congregation was slowly falling through the cracks.  Why? They were no longer getting educated in Sunday School on an age-appropriate level.  Pastors knew that meant, like in schools, the youngest were missing out on the vital core lessons that should set the framework for all other lessons to guide them through their lifetime.  Teenagers were left on their own for mental health counseling and direction.  Adults were losing those lessons needed to be effective witnesses to the world.  Worst of all, the congregations were not able to come together to praise God, to gain perspective and direction, or to be a servant to each other.  In short, there is power in the church that cannot be found on a computer screen.  Yes, I said it.  The congregation is a temple of God.  When the temple is scattered, it’s strength begins to fade.

It gets worse.  Like the students and teachers who gave up and quit the on-line learning, Many Christians have given up and decided to not return to church.  Sports, mini-vacations, sleeping in, etc have taken its place.  Those Christians have, in essence, decided to fail…to ultimately let their children fall through the cracks.  Christians have gotten used to sitting on the couch on Sundays and Wednesdays with one eye on the screen and the other on the television. “Ouch!”

Just as we would NEVER allow our children to quit their school education, we should NEVER allow ourselves to give up on our families Christian Education.  God gave us the Holy Bible to study in order to have direction, encouragement, and even discipline.  The pastor and Sunday School teachers teach HIS WORD.  If we do not educate the next generation about the consequences of sin, they will surely fail!  Our country is a prime example of what happens when Christians become relaxed.  If we are not faithful to church, our lives will be far less than what God planned them to be.  Remember, even Jesus went regularly to the temple. Be like Jesus!!!

Self-Evaluation Time! Let’s play school and I’ll graciously let you be the teacher. Score yourself on the following Christian activities. This by no means is a valid checklist for your total Christian walk, but I bet it opens your eyes to a few changes that need to be made! It sure did mine! There’s great news! You can study to show thyself approved and take the test again at a later date.

How Christian Am I?

10%  Read/Study Bible Daily

10%  Pray Daily

10%  Attend Church Regularly

10%  Attend Sunday School Regularly

10%  Tithe Regularly (This supports missions)

10%  Serve Others regularly (Help them)

10%  Love Others

10%  Have Faith That God Will Always Answer

10%  Keep The Ten Commandments

10%  Follow God’s Direction

10% Praise God Daily

Yes, I realize this equals 110%. Shouldn’t that be what we always want to give God?

Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

Colossians 1:28

Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go: keep her; for she is thy life.

Proverbs 4:13

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