• Children,  Church,  Family,  Life,  School

    Education Is Vital

    After Covid-19 hit, every student was quickly given a Chromebook, a password, and a set of written directions.  The students had an extremely short period of time to learn how to work their new Chrome books.  To their bewilderment, quite a few students lived beyond the point of internet service. This required the students to work out of a packet and hand in work pages weekly.  Teachers were directed to take attendance, upload daily lessons, and have daily live classes.  Unfortunately, they received a minimal prior explanation on how to create lessons online or how to present live lessons.  Students and teachers were doing a whole lot of self-teaching. Needless…

  • Children,  Life,  School

    Our Last Day Together

    It’s one of those days that happen, when later people ask you, “What were you doing the day Elvis Presley died?” or “What were you doing on September 11th, 2001?”  I don’t think I will ever forget March 13th, 2020.  At the time, I had no clue the impact it would have on my life or the lives of my students.  It was just another day of hustle and bustle in the classroom.  However, looking back on the conversations of that day, I get “chill bumps.” I remember standing in front of the classroom trying to convince my students how important it was for them to get into ”high gear”…