
Caught In My Mother’s Storm

Did you know that just the mention of Mother’s Day brings an immediate tightening sensation in many adult children’s chest and sadness to their heart.  The women don’t even consider the fact that they will be genuinely celebrated as a mother.  Furthermore, most of these adult children do not discuss their feelings openly. Why?  Because somewhere in their past, they have been so tragically and painfully caught up in their mother’s storm that they don’t want to revisit the turmoil. Yet, they carry it like a ball and chain day in and day out.


Lisa looks at her children with tears in her eyes and wonders how her mother could allow men to violate her own child for the sake of money and drugs.

John is angry at his mother for all the times she beat him and screamed she never wanted children in the first place.  He watched how she was unfaithful to his father while his father was at work. Now, John’s mad at himself for not letting his dad know.  His dad eventually found out anyway and left them both...forever.

Terri lived a life of fear.  She never knew how she would find her mother after school every day.  Unfortunately, most days her mother was plastered on the couch or lying in bed in a state of extreme depression.  Terri was forced to be her mother’s caretaker and to take care of her younger siblings as well. She regrets a lost childhood.

Matt wonders what caused his single mother to care so little about him that she allowed him to be placed in foster care until he maxed out by age. He feels as if he’s always been alone in this world.

Renae cries when she recalls all the promises that her mother made to her, but failed to keep them.  She was always left behind with grandma, neighbors, or mom’s boyfriends. Renae feels like she wasn’t good enough to deserve her mother’s love.

Sadie wondered why her mother caused her so much embarrassment.  She was always lying, cheating, and stealing.  Her mother would get angry when Sadie wouldn’t do the same.  Finally, Sadie’s mother was put into prison and Sadie was left behind.

Edward’s father was sent to prison for fatally shooting his mother.  Now, Edward has neither of his parents.  He feels so alone in this world… especially on Mother’s Day.

Brenda’s mom suffered through sickness for many years.  Brenda witnessed to her mother time after time.  However, her mother always promised to accept Christ someday.  Death came before her some day.  Now Brenda realizes that she will never see her mother again.


If you are in a storm and dealing with pain that is similar to or even greater than these people, I’ve got incredible news for you!  There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that you can’t come out of the storm!  You see, there’s a lighthouse on the hillside that overlooks life’s sea!  My friend, don’t be skeptical.  If you truly want released from the heartbreak, embarrassment, resentment, and unforgiveness that you’ve carried for so long from the past,

  • Cry out to God and ask him to save you.  You may say, “I’m already saved.”  The truth is that you are drowning in the storm of sorrow.  Waves are crashing over your soul faster than you can catch your breath.  You, my friend, need a lifeboat!
  • Make a specific list of all that you want Jesus to remove from your life. (anger, hatred, sorrow, etc.)
  • Pray relentlessly everyday, as if your life depends upon it, because the value of your life truly does depend upon it.  Crawl to Jesus with the same faith as the woman who was convinced that her prayer would be answered, if she could touch the hem of his garment.
  • Realize that forgiveness doesn’t excuse the actions of another, it simply gives them to God to work out and takes the weight of them from your heart.
  • Praise God in the storm and thank him for looking out over life’s troubled sea to rescue you!
  • Remember, you were caught in your mother’s storm.  That doesn’t mean you are of less value.  That just means she was being overpowered by things that you couldn’t see. Your value comes from the Lord who believes you are to die for!

He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

Psalm 107:29