• Family,  Life,  Prayer

    There’s Not Just Ten Commandments!

    If I asked you to, you could probably list all (or almost all) of the Ten Commandments.  Just for fun, you might want to grab a pen and see if you can list them all this very minute…or maybe not right now, right?  We Christians feel really good about ourselves when we can mention that we are abiding by those Ten Commandments.  However, we forget to stop and consider that the Ten Commandments in which God gave to Moses are not all the commandments that he has given to us.  How many times has he asked us to go, to wait, to listen, to be still, to stop, to turn…

  • Life,  Missions

    It’s Dark – Be the Light!

    My husband thinks he’s sooooo funny!  On Saturday, I had so many things I wished to accomplish.  I wanted to clean out my kitchen cabinets and possibly one or two closets.  Yet, when I looked out the window at 6:00 p.m., it was so dark that I lost the urge to clean!  It’s like my mind was confused and tried to convince me that I should be going to bed.  Being disheartened, I messaged my husband to complain, “I hate the darkness!”   He, ever so quickly and sarcastically messaged back, “Turn on the light.”   Wait what?  I wanted…I truly NEEDED compassion!  I needed him to tell me that daylight would…

  • Family,  Life,  Prayer

    A Recipe for 2021

    Many people refer to 2020 as the worst year of their lives.  By all accounts, it may have been.  There WAS a shortage of toilet paper you know! In all seriousness, I’m sure some people felt like it was their worst year because they lost a loved one, maybe more, to Covid.  Others may have lost their jobs and had a hard time feeding their families.  Oddly enough, at the same time, some professions required their workers to be profoundly overworked, exposed, and exhausted.  Those who didn’t work were hid away in their homes both day and night dealing with moody spouses or the fact that they had no spouse…

  • Life,  Prayer

    You Got The Next Minute!

    Ugh!!! Lord, I’ve failed again!  It’s just January 4th and I’ve already broken my diet (What? I got really, really hungry!), quit exercising (Yah, you know I just don’t have the energy that I used to.), failed to pray daily, (I fell asleep a few times before I remembered!), and I’ve not been faithful to read my Bible daily. (Again, I fell asleep before I remembered.) If this sounds like you, don’t let Satan trick you into thinking the whole year is lost!  You don’t have to wait until January 2022 to make a fresh start!  Perhaps you had a strong desire to do what is right when you made…