
The Weight of Abortion

Part 1 of a Mother’s Day Series

The choice that she made years ago still rests heavily upon her heart.  Every time she hears a baby cry, a toddler giggle, or see a smile on the face of a child, her mind is drawn back to what might have been.  Her decision was made in panic, fear, embarrassment, and to be honest out of selfishness.  She now understands this truth.  Since then, she has become a different, more responsible person who has a close relationship with Christ.  She has asked for forgiveness every time the abortion comes to her mind.  Then, Satan comes along behind her request and reminds her of her unforgivable sin (his lie).  Therefore, she won’t accept God’s forgiveness.

He wasn’t ready to become a father.  He didn’t want to support a child or commit to the duties of fatherhood.  He convinced her that this was not the right time for a child.  He gave her the money she needed to do away with the child.  Now, the cries of the child torment his mind as he tries to sleep.  He’s often reminded of what he gave up so long ago.  If only he could have a “do over.”  He’s a different man now.  He’s responsible, loving, and an active member of the church.  How will he ever be able to forgive himself?

How many years have you carried this burden?  How much time has been used to mourn the loss of your child?  Do you pray for relief and forgiveness?  Are you willing to accept God’s forgiveness?  

Let’s look at the facts.  Satan invaded your mind to cause you to turn against your own child.  You felt disconnected from God’s help.  You were desperate and afraid.  You looked at all the options that you thought were available to you at the time and then acted upon the one that seemed to solve your immediate problem.  Then, you were forced to face the consequences…burdens, burdens, and more burdens. 

Burdens feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.  They slow you down, cause you to feel defeated, and they change the outcome of your life.  How they change your life will depend upon what you do with them. At this particular time in your life, you are presented with different options to manage your burdens.

Option 1:  

  • If you are not a Christian, you need to ask Jesus into your heart.  He will restore your joy and give you a new life.
  • You can truly ask for God’s forgiveness and accept the mercy (compassion and forgiveness toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm) that he freely offers to all sinners.
  • Apologize in your heart/mind to the child.
  • Realize, as a Christian, you will see your child in Heaven.
  • Name your child. What? That’s right…It’s therapeutic.  You can keep a journal of things you’d like to tell your child as you continue through your life.  If you aren’t a writer, the name will help you address the child as you talk to it in your mind.
  • You can help other children by contributing to their lives in some way to honor the memory of your child.
  • You can become a mentor to those considering abortion.

Option 2:

  • Continue to carry the burdensome weight of your actions.
  • Turn away God’s call on your life.
  • Reject God’s mercy.
  • Refuse to help others in the same situation.
  • Accept the lies that Satan offers.

We have a tendency to refuse God’s forgiveness because we see him in the flesh as we are (we don’t forgive easily), but God knows our weaknesses, our failures, our worst days, and our best.  Nothing we do surprises him.  In fact, he sent his only son to die on the cross to cover the sins we commit. It’s true, we must bare the consequences, but we don’t  have to carry the guilt of sin.  

As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

Psalm 103:12