• Life,  Prayer

    You Got The Next Minute!

    Ugh!!! Lord, I’ve failed again!  It’s just January 4th and I’ve already broken my diet (What? I got really, really hungry!), quit exercising (Yah, you know I just don’t have the energy that I used to.), failed to pray daily, (I fell asleep a few times before I remembered!), and I’ve not been faithful to read my Bible daily. (Again, I fell asleep before I remembered.) If this sounds like you, don’t let Satan trick you into thinking the whole year is lost!  You don’t have to wait until January 2022 to make a fresh start!  Perhaps you had a strong desire to do what is right when you made…

  • Children,  Church,  Family,  Life,  Married Life,  Prayer

    Faith Under His Wings

    If you keep cutting corners, you’ll end up with a circle!  My son, Isaac, just gifted me with a delightful dose of his daily wisdom.  More times than not, his bits of knowledge are hilarious. However, today this piece of enlightenment seemed to mesh quite well with my blog thoughts.  The children of Israel wandered in the desert for forty years.  Most able-bodied people could have walked the distance in 11 to 14 days!  You might ask, “Heaven’s to Betsy, what took them so long?” I can explain, they were cutting corners and “walking in circles,” so to speak!   The Israelites kept groaning and giving God reasons why they couldn’t…

  • Life,  Missions,  Prayer

    God’s Personal Love Song

    Everyone loves a heart-felt love song…right? Parents are aware that even tiny babies need love songs.  I recall singing, “You are my sunshine to my firstborn,” “You are my moonshine,” to my second born (he was mesmerized by the moon,) “You are my starshine,” to the third born, and “You are my rainbow shine,” to my final child. (Her hair turned a different color several times a day! All men know how to make a ladies heart skip a beat, like Alfalfa did for Carla, in The Little Rascals when he sang, “You are so beautiful to me!  You’re everything I hoped for, you’re everything I need…”   Men, though they…

  • Life

    Attitude Matters!

    I want to remind you that the information in my blogs is always from the heart and true.  Today, I recalled a series of events that happened to me right before Christmas this past year.  Let me rewind a bit first. My children are ages 16, 18, 24, and 27. After years of filling Christmas stockings for the whole family with comical things for laughs, I decided that I would just start filling my two-year-old’s stocking with the good stuff.  I honestly thought everyone was tired of the silliness anyway! When I told my twenty-four year-old son, he complained, “Awe, don’t stop, that was always the most fun part of…