• Children,  Church,  Family,  Life,  Married Life,  Prayer

    Faith Under His Wings

    If you keep cutting corners, you’ll end up with a circle!  My son, Isaac, just gifted me with a delightful dose of his daily wisdom.  More times than not, his bits of knowledge are hilarious. However, today this piece of enlightenment seemed to mesh quite well with my blog thoughts.  The children of Israel wandered in the desert for forty years.  Most able-bodied people could have walked the distance in 11 to 14 days!  You might ask, “Heaven’s to Betsy, what took them so long?” I can explain, they were cutting corners and “walking in circles,” so to speak!   The Israelites kept groaning and giving God reasons why they couldn’t…

  • Children,  Church,  Life,  Prayer

    From The Cradle To The Cross

    How prepared is your child for what lies ahead?  How well have you trained them for the storms that are sure to come? Recently, I asked kids of varying ages if they could tell me something that their parents had taught them about life.  I received the following answers: Be nice, Stay out of trouble, Take up for myself, Don’t do drama, Live life to the fullest because it’s short, Don’t steal, and I really don’t remember.  Although the above responses are good ones… except the, “I don’t remember one,” they do very little to give children the survival skills they need to be happy, productive, and successful in life.…