Holy Spirit,  Life

The Cardinal Lesson

The Messenger

It was an unusually early morning for me as I let Natalie, my black toy poodle, out into the fresh crisp air.  She pranced joyfully into the frost covered grass.  Suddenly, I spotted a cardinal like I had never seen before.  It’s color was so vivid that the cardinal seemed to be illuminated.  Normally, I would have immediately ran to grab my camera.  However, I didn’t want to risk the chance of missing the sight of this beautiful breathtaking creature, not even for one moment!

I finally realized the bird was hanging around much longer than I expected.  So, I decided to chance a quick sprint inside to grab my camera.  Miraculously, when I returned, the cardinal was still flitting from branch to branch in clear sight!  


“Snap!”  “Snap!” 

“Snap!”  “Snap!” “Snappity Snap!”

Oh glory! I was in Seventh Heaven!

This picture taking frenzy continued for several minutes that seemed like hours.  When I was certain that I had a decent selection of photos, I pranced inside to revel in the glory of these masterpieces!

I trembled in anticipation while excitedly pressing the preview button.

“No Photo Card Detected.”

“What?  How could this be?”  Suddenly, I remembered taking the card out recently to print several photos of the grandkids.  Just as quickly, I realized I had missed the chance of a lifetime.  To make certain, I looked out the door and as I had suspected, the bird was nowhere in sight.  My mind instantly traveled to the incident in the Bible where the five foolish virgins were caught without enough oil for their lamps, so they missed the arrival of the Bridegroom. In short, they were not prepared at the most pivotal time.

I was downcast to say the least.  However, I decided to retrieve the camera card from my purse and return it to my camera for the next “big shot.”  Over and over I beat myself up mentally for not being prepared to take pictures of the most beautiful bird that I had ever seen before.  “How could you be so thoughtless? You missed the chance of a lifetime!”

“Look back outside,” whispered a persuasive voice in my mind.

I slowly opened the double doors hoping above all hope that I would spot the bird, but fearing the worst. Low and behold, there on a gray barren limb sat the iridescent crimson red cardinal.  I grabbed my camera and held my breath as I carefully tiptoed out the door, off the back porch, and up the frosty hill.  In my heart, I knew this moment was a gift of God.  He knew my love of taking pictures and he gave me a second chance of capturing this majestic bird.

You got your camera card this time…right?


“Snap!”  “Snap!” 

“Snap!”  “Snap!” “Snappity Snap!” “Snappity Snap!” “Snappity Snap!” “Snap!”

I stayed with the cardinal for as long as he would agree to model for me. When he flew away, I strolled back inside to preview the photos that I had captured.  Folks, I’m nowhere near a professional photographer and considering the shaky state I was in while taking the pictures, I’m surprised that I captured more than fuzzy images. Yet, I realized that the camera had not truly seized the vibrance of the cardinal that I witnessed.

Now, I’m not the wisest person on my block, but I was smart enough to realize that what had just taken place was a clear message from God.  He used the red cardinal to get my attention in a way that he was certain would actually get my attention.  How awesome is that?

A still small voice came to me and said as clear and plain as if it was a person standing in my living room, “Be ready. Be prepared. Something is coming that you won’t want to miss.”  Before I could even question how I was supposed to be prepared and stay ready, God reminded me, “Stay in the Word, open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, watch, and wait.”

You might ask why I am sharing this personal experience.  The answer is because… God encouraged me to do so!  Surprise!!!  He has the same message for all Christians.  “Stay in the Word, open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, watch, and wait.”

In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit was only given to specific people for a specific period of time in order to achieve specific tasks.  This is also known as selective indwelling. Instead, they received word through prophets, signs, visions, and other external factors. -Priscilla Shirer.

In the new testament, the Holy Spirit began to dwell within Christians.  Therefore, there was less of a need for prophets, signs, visions, and such.  It is the Holy Spirit within us that now leads and guides and directs us.  The only thing we must do is to stay close enough to the Word and be willing to follow it’s direction.  Many people today ask for a clear sign instead of trusting the guidance of the Holy Spirit because it takes less effort to simply look up.  However, the relationship that we need to mature in Christ requires that we do so through the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, if I had not read the word of God to know the story of the five foolish virgins, the Holy Spirit could not have pricked my heart to share this message!

  1. Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
  2. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
  3. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil in their vessels with their lamps.
  4. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
  5. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
  6. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
  7. Then all those virgins arose, trimmed their lamps.
  8. The foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
  9. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
  10. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage.
  11. Afterward came also saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
  12. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
  13. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Matthew 25: 1-13.

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