• Prayer

    New Sight!

    I’ll never forget when I first put on glasses as a teenager.  I recall that I was riding back home with my mother in her green Chevrolet worrying about how much I looked like a dork.  All of a sudden, I entered the land of the unknowns… the road signs weren’t blurry and could totally be of great assistance,  I could actually see clear faces in other vehicles, and to my complete surprise, the world wasn’t so gray!  My amazement didn’t stop there.  When my mom drove into the parking lot, I strolled through my front yard. I was thrilled at how I could see every individual leaf on the trees,…

  • Prayer

    Your Truth-My Truth

    People today claim they have their own truth.  I can totally agree with that when it comes to their favorite ice cream, favorite book, or favorite type of clothing.  However, when it comes to life’s truths, ours is all the same.  How do I know?  I’m just brilliant like that… just kidding!  Seriously, God is truth, He breathes truth, He speaks truth, He promises truth, and He expects His truth to be found in us. God’s word is above every other word in the world.  Why? The Holy Bible is alive!  It speaks truth to us in whatever God wants to reveal to us individually.   However, that doesn’t mean…

  • Prayer

    I Had It All Wrong!

    I’ll be the first to admit that when I became a Christian at the age of twelve, I thought it was mainly about trying to please God by being good all the time.  I really, really wanted to please God, so I spent all my waking hours trying to be perfect.  I was even called a “goody two shoes.” Don’t most people have two good shoes? Anyway, it didn’t take too long for me to feel overwhelmed by my imperfection. Even though God had given me the ability to get daily forgiveness, I still tried to carry all of my failures and assumed that God was displeased with me most…

  • Prayer

    Where Do You Sit In Church?

    People say that history repeats itself! If we are wise, we can learn from the mistakes of others with similar situations.  Therefore, it’s totally a valid question of this day and the times in which we live. Holding my breath, here goes….Where do you sit in church?  Do you climb up in the tree with Zacchaeus, just hoping to get a glimpse of Jesus.  You realize, because of your small stature, that the odds of seeing Jesus over the crowd are slim.  So, you arrive before others and climb as high as you can to insure you actually see him.  Indeed! There you are and Jesus sees you!  He will…

  • Prayer

    Easter is NOT Over!

    Don’t be misled.  Easter is NOT over!  Yes, we celebrated the Passover this year.  We remembered the agonizing path that Jesus took up to the top of Golgotha. We cringed as we recalled how Jesus was brutally nailed to the wooden cross.  We mourned his death and thanked him for the price he paid for our sins that we might have life.  On Sunday, we rejoiced that Jesus had indeed defeated death! However, according to historians, we have celebrated 1989 Easters, since Jesus arose from the dead.  Why do we keep celebrating this even every year?  The reason is simple; it isn’t over! Just as Simon of Cyrene carried the…

  • Health,  Life,  Mental Health,  Prayer

    Losing Weight

    Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doeth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1 You know the drill…You’ve been dieting for several days and you want to weigh in to see how your struggle has paid off.  You know if you haven’t lost at least a pound, you’re gonna go eat at least three chocolate covered doughnuts, a bag of barbecue chips, and raid last night’s steakhouse leftovers – not the salad part. Anyways, those deliciously evil things cried out…

  • Prayer

    Can You Get A Prayer Through?

    In today’s world, we cannot get on social media without reading requests for urgent prayer.  People’s lives depend upon prayer; it’s serious!  Yet, many people don’t feel like they can get a prayer through or at least they wonder if it is actually possible.   In a time when most of society thinks they can have their own truth and demand one of the many gods to obey their commands, people are at a loss for real communication with the one true God that has purposefully designed the only real truth!  In short, many people can’t actually get a prayer through! According to God’s Word, there are certain terms for prayers…

  • Family,  Health,  Holy Spirit,  Life,  Married Life,  Mental Health,  Prayer

    In Coming Warning!

    I distinctly remember my mother’s warning, “If you don’t stop that, I’m gonna wear you out! Do you hear me?” How many times have we been watching a movie and heard the sound of intense clicking.  We knew right away, as the author intended, what was about to happen.  Our hearts raced as our eyes were directed to the ticking bomb.  We anxiously sat on the edge of our seats until the main character successfully dismantled the device.  Thus, he saved the people without a moment to spare because he had given attention to the warning! How many times have we hobbled into a doctor’s office with a pain in…

  • Life,  Prayer

    New Year – Old Ways?

    Over the Christmas Holiday, I was “in Heaven” as our family all gathered at my house to celebrate.  The grandchildren were, of course, the life of the party.  After all of the gifts were opened, the festivities moved outside.  My two older sons took pride in taking their four-year-old nephew, Jonah’s prized remote controlled Monster Truck and running around the house with it.  A chase most certainly commenced and Jonah’s wails of bewilderment followed.  Gigi, no doubt, came to the rescue! “You boys leave that baby alone! Give his truck back right now!” Meanwhile, my one-year-old grandson, Carson, had just plotted an ascent up his own personal Mt. Everest. (It…

  • Life,  Prayer

    Clean Ourselves Up and Out! Part 2

    The Mind “You can’t stop a bird from flying overhead, but you can prevent it from building a nest in your hair.”  You can tell from my author photo, that I’m no longer near the teenage years.  However, this is a statement that I recall my Sunday School Teacher saying when I was a teenager.  I’ve thought about it many times throughout my life.  Our days, unlike my teenage years, are packed with news from unlimited technology sites.  I probably don’t have to tell you that much of the information shared on these sites is completely false. One quote I end up having to tell students every year is, “Don’t…