
New Sight!

I’ll never forget when I first put on glasses as a teenager.  I recall that I was riding back home with my mother in her green Chevrolet worrying about how much I looked like a dork.  All of a sudden, I entered the land of the unknowns… the road signs weren’t blurry and could totally be of great assistance,  I could actually see clear faces in other vehicles, and to my complete surprise, the world wasn’t so gray!  My amazement didn’t stop there.  When my mom drove into the parking lot, I strolled through my front yard. I was thrilled at how I could see every individual leaf on the trees, not just a big, round glob on the trunk of a tree.  I wondered, “Have other people seen these leaves “this” clearly all along?”  

When I entered my house, I peered at my dad who was back in the kitchen at the other end of the hall.  His face wasn’t a blur either!  Instantly, I realized why I had always had to sit at the front of the classroom to see what the teachers were writing on the board! Ahhh, maybe I wasn’t so dumb after all! (Sidenote: I imagine I would be amazed at how much other people hear too, if I were to try hearing aids today.) —That was a joke…kinda.

Anyway, back to my story. Those new glasses literally changed my world for the better.  I saw things clearly as they were and not from a blurred, guessing game distance.  I was more confident and absolutely more thankful to God for this new found treasure of clear sight!

I’m no longer a teen, but today as I look across my living room, to the bookcase against the wall, I can clearly see the lines of the flowers, picture frames, and vases.  I have to stop and thank God all over again.  He has been so very faithful through all of the years of my life.

Similar to my teen vision problem, there have been so many things that I have been able to see more clearly since I became a Christian and studied God’s Word that I couldn’t see as a lost person.  Now, it is evident to me when I talk to the lost that they are truly blind to God’s goodness.  They can’t seem to comprehend or accept his perfect interacting plan for each of our lives.  They see God in a blurred vision of someone who is like a genie who will give them what they desire simply because he is good.  In today’s culture, the lost have not been shown the true royalty of God, his righteousness, his power, his mercy, his all knowing, his all seeing, nor his strong disciplining hand.

As we go out into the world, let’s  remember that we are God’s Royal Ambassadors.  We are called to bring the good news of Christ to the lost world.  Our good news is what gives sight to the blind (lost)!  Our good news is what defines us as faithful ambassadors.

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us:  we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.

2 Corinthians 5:20