
Single Mothers

Part 2 in a Mother’s Day Series

To say you are scared, lonely, heartbroken, sometimes angry, and many times insecure is an understatement.  This is not the life that you dreamed of since you were a little girl. This is not fair! This is not right!!! How could God allow this to happen?  You have begged him to make it right.  You are a Christian.  You have faith.  So, why is it not happening the way you want it to happen?

God put us all on this earth and gave us free will.  We are not puppets on strings that are maneuvered by our maker.  Each person makes their own choices.  The problem for couples comes when their minds, hearts, and desires part ways with each other.  The most significant issue is when only one of the couple is a Christian.  God will not make someone do what they choose not to do.  Yet, he understands your pain.  He is rejected daily.

However Sister, there is good news! God has promised that you can be confident that he who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:6

God has walked through the pages of people’s lives since the beginning of time.  He has been faithful to every single one of those who call upon him.  Will God fill the gap of loss for your children?  Will God deliver you from this difficult situation?  The Bible says, “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” Ps. 94:1  There it is…YOU CAN TRUST GOD!  He’s got you and your children covered! 

Keep in mind that the same God who delivered Daniel from the lion’s den and Hananiah (Yah is gracious), Mishael (who is what God is), and Azariah (Yah has helped) from the fiery furnace, is the same God who followed Joseph from the pit, to the prison, and on to the palace.  This same God followed Jesus to the cross, to the tomb, and then raised him from the dead!  This same God purposely chose you as his child and promised to go with you even to the end of the world.  Not only that, he’s promised you citizenship in the next world (Heaven).

As you can see, God has always been faithful to bring people through even their most difficult situations and deliver them to a better life.  What did all of these people have in common?  They had unwavering faith and a close relationship with God. You too, can have this.

Single mothers, God has given you direct access to his love, guidance, and protection.  You, nor your children will be found wanting.  Keep the faith and continue with expectation in what miracles God will do in all of your lives.  You are not alone, but in the constant presence of God Almighty!

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28