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In Coming Warning!

I distinctly remember my mother’s warning, “If you don’t stop that, I’m gonna wear you out! Do you hear me?”

How many times have we been watching a movie and heard the sound of intense clicking.  We knew right away, as the author intended, what was about to happen.  Our hearts raced as our eyes were directed to the ticking bomb.  We anxiously sat on the edge of our seats until the main character successfully dismantled the device.  Thus, he saved the people without a moment to spare because he had given attention to the warning!

How many times have we hobbled into a doctor’s office with a pain in the arm, leg, back, chest, head, or stomach?  The pain was an obvious warning from our body that something within was injured or not working properly.  The warning meant that the pain would not go away without some sort of change.  In fact, without attention, the pain would grow worse and eventually cause death.  Our attention to the warnings in our lives determines our future.

How many times have we set an alarm clock at night because we knew that more than likely we would not be able to wake up in time for work, church, or an important meeting on our own.  Then, when the alarm sounded the next morning, we hit snooze several times before finally  getting out of bed.  Each sound of the alarm was a warning that we were going to be later than we needed to be. Disregarding the alarm too many times will cause job loss, disruptions, or missed opportunities.

How many times have we been angry at your spouse and “shuffled the problems under the rug?”  How many times have we been hurt by our spouse and decided to “let it go” to keep peace?  How many times have we lied to our spouses or withheld important information from them to keep ourselves “out of hot water?”  Anger, hurt feelings, or concealing truth from our spouses are also warnings that our relationship is “on thin ice.”

How many times have we allowed our children to take part in things that we knew were not what God desires? How many times have we upheld them in wrong or hid information about them from the other parent to protect them? How many times have we not been consistent in discipline that allowed our children to repeatedly get by with wrong? How many times have we set a bad example for our children in anger? Without a doubt, this will come back to haunt us when we do not follow God’s warning of training out children in his ways.

You may think, “what you are telling me is obvious, duh!”  Unfortunately, when we are in the midst of hectic daily life, we often don’t recognize the obvious.  What do I mean, you ask?  Abusers don’t stop abusing without help and the abused must see the warning signs and move to safety.  Weight doesn’t come off of an obese person unless they realize the warning signs from their body and change their eating behavior.  Depression doesn’t go away on it’s own. Not giving the illness symptoms credibility, can destroy their life.

Believe it or not, Christians are given warnings also.  Failure to heed the warning signs from God will ALWAYS result in having to face unpleasant consequences. Let’s think about our Christian walk for a minute… or two… or maybe a bit more! 

Perhaps we have a friend that is so much fun.  They have always been the life of any room they walked into. We want to be part of their life; however, lately they have led us to places that we know will ruin our testimony.  We hear God warning our spirit almost audibly, “I don’t want you to come here anymore, it’s darkness disguised as light.”  What consequences could follow?

This generation has been bombarded with technology.  Let’s assume that we spend much of our day checking out facebook, twitter, or instagram.  Day after day we hear a warning from God that says, “You need to spend more time in My Book than on facebook, etc.”  What consequences could follow?

You’ve missed church the last few Sundays and God whispers a warning, “You are going to need to stick as close to me as possible.  The enemy is hot on your trail.”  What consequences could follow?

I don’t know what warning you are getting in your life right now, but I am certain that there are some alarms going off in your mind because God has led you here.  Surprisingly, warnings are God’s Mercy bestowed to us.  In return, we are to accept that mercy by listening to the warnings.  Willful failure to heed God’s direct warnings always cause suffering and affliction.  

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

Colossians 3:25

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