• Family,  Health,  Holy Spirit,  Life,  Married Life,  Mental Health,  Prayer

    In Coming Warning!

    I distinctly remember my mother’s warning, “If you don’t stop that, I’m gonna wear you out! Do you hear me?” How many times have we been watching a movie and heard the sound of intense clicking.  We knew right away, as the author intended, what was about to happen.  Our hearts raced as our eyes were directed to the ticking bomb.  We anxiously sat on the edge of our seats until the main character successfully dismantled the device.  Thus, he saved the people without a moment to spare because he had given attention to the warning! How many times have we hobbled into a doctor’s office with a pain in…

  • Church,  Family,  Life,  Mental Health,  Missions,  School

    Left Behind

    Be the Light that Leads the Way to Freedom! Oskar Schindler is well known for his bravery, tenacity, and dedication because he was willing to lose all of his wealth and risk his own life in order to help roughly 1,200 Jews escape certain death in German concentration camps.  Today, he and his wife Emilie, are buried in Jerusalem on Mount Zion.  They were named Righteous Among the Nations by the Israeli government in 1993. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery.  She was beaten, mentally abused, and acquired a life-long head injury from one of her various masters.  Yet, Tubman began to receive premonitions from God which led her to…

  • Family,  Life,  Prayer

    A Recipe for 2021

    Many people refer to 2020 as the worst year of their lives.  By all accounts, it may have been.  There WAS a shortage of toilet paper you know! In all seriousness, I’m sure some people felt like it was their worst year because they lost a loved one, maybe more, to Covid.  Others may have lost their jobs and had a hard time feeding their families.  Oddly enough, at the same time, some professions required their workers to be profoundly overworked, exposed, and exhausted.  Those who didn’t work were hid away in their homes both day and night dealing with moody spouses or the fact that they had no spouse…