• Prayer

    Questioning your Salvation

    I dare say there are very few saved people who have never doubted their salvation at one time or another.  It is one way in which Satan uses to hinder Christians causing them to worry constantly about themselves instead of concentrating on the true lost folk.  In today’s world we see a lot of anxiety and depression, yes, even in Christians.  Satan hits these people extremely hard because he knows their weakness. However, sometimes the doubt is the Holy Spirit convicting you of the fact that you never truly asked Jesus to save you.  I’ve heard people say that there is no shame in falling in the mud, but there…

  • Family,  Health,  Holy Spirit,  Life,  Married Life,  Mental Health,  Prayer

    In Coming Warning!

    I distinctly remember my mother’s warning, “If you don’t stop that, I’m gonna wear you out! Do you hear me?” How many times have we been watching a movie and heard the sound of intense clicking.  We knew right away, as the author intended, what was about to happen.  Our hearts raced as our eyes were directed to the ticking bomb.  We anxiously sat on the edge of our seats until the main character successfully dismantled the device.  Thus, he saved the people without a moment to spare because he had given attention to the warning! How many times have we hobbled into a doctor’s office with a pain in…

  • Children,  Life,  Missions

    America’s Children

    They Feel So Alone For as long as I can remember, children have intrigued me, inspired me, and brought my heart unmeasurable joy.  I can remember being a child myself and dreaming of having a house full of children one day.  Not only that, I wanted grandchildren…lots and lots of them!  After my fourth child was born, I knew she would be the last child because of my health problems.  It wasn’t long after that I had a strong desire to be a foster parent.  Unfortunately, my husband didn’t agree with this decision.  My head got it.  He was tired because being responsible for the physical, mental, spiritual, and financial…

  • Life,  Missions

    It’s Dark – Be the Light!

    My husband thinks he’s sooooo funny!  On Saturday, I had so many things I wished to accomplish.  I wanted to clean out my kitchen cabinets and possibly one or two closets.  Yet, when I looked out the window at 6:00 p.m., it was so dark that I lost the urge to clean!  It’s like my mind was confused and tried to convince me that I should be going to bed.  Being disheartened, I messaged my husband to complain, “I hate the darkness!”   He, ever so quickly and sarcastically messaged back, “Turn on the light.”   Wait what?  I wanted…I truly NEEDED compassion!  I needed him to tell me that daylight would…