
Cleaning Up and Out – Part 3

The Heart

I recall one day in Kindergarten when I was pouring drinks for a holiday party. I was only pouring a half-glass for each student. As you know, five-year-olds spill things quite easily. I did allow them a refill as they needed it. After I had poured a half of a cup, Trevor peered into his cup, sadly back up at me, and remarked, “I want more juice.” I replied, “I’m starting everyone with an equal share of a half-cup.” Trevor smiled, “O.K., but I want this much more right now, okay?” He held up his right pointer finger and crossed it at the bottom with his left pointer finger.” I laughed and patted him on the back, “Nice try, Trevor!” However, when I think back to that day, I still smile because I’m reminded that’s how much of Jesus I want in my heart…half, plus another half!

When we became a Christian, Jesus came to dwell in our hearts…we gave Him our whole heart. At that time, our bodies became the Temple of God! If you remember correctly, becoming a Christian felt like you were walking on air! In fact, you felt as if you might explode with joy!  However, over time we are tempted to let other things in.  The more world that is in our hearts, the less room we have for Jesus. Why is that important? It’s important because oil and water don’t mix…so to speak. When more of the world takes place in our hearts, it shows in our outward actions. I don’t have to give you examples. I’ll guarantee if I asked you to name a Christian right now that has more of the world than Jesus in their hearts, you could name them by their actions. Most all of us have been there. It’s a miserable, miserable, miserable place to be. 

So why then, do we allow this to happen? 

  1. We want to fit in with the crowd.
  2. We get in a lazy survival mode of doing the least we can get by with (often referred to as a rut).
  3. Satan makes material things, events, and people look so beautiful and tempting.
  4. We’re not praying daily and keeping up with our relationship with Christ.
  5. We are not allowing God to speak to us through THE WORD nearly enough!

Again, the more of these things that we let into our hearts, the less room Jesus has to live and work in us. The absence of Jesus is what makes Hell so unbearable. The same goes for our lives. 

If you find yourself in this miserable state right now, I can assure you that God does not intend for you to be there! Even in Christian Persecution, misery doesn’t have to be present! Misery comes as a direct result of the sin that has taken place in our hearts and rooted out our Savior. Whatever we replace Jesus with is NEVER an adequate place holder. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what exactly you need to clean out of your heart, but because the holy spirit lives within you, you know.  Don’t you?  I’ll bet you could think of at least a few things right now that need to be removed from your heart to restore your happiness.

Let me challenge you to ask Jesus to be your Valentine this year!  He will help you clean out the sin in your heart.  You cannot comprehend the joys that await you…No more misery!

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23

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