
The Imperfect Mother

Part 4 of a Mother’s Day Series

Dear Momma,

You are not a failure.  You may never hear it from your children because they don’t know the magnitude of your heart.  You may not have achieved all that you had dreamed as a mother, but you gave all you had every single day.

You are appreciated.  Your children never tell you that you are appreciated because you continue to give no matter what.  You don’t require their thanks.  They assume you know  how important you are to them and that you will always be there.

You are special.  When you walk through the door, your children’s hearts feels like their at home.  You are their safe place, their soft place, and their place of acceptance and pride.

You are loved.  When your children see you, they see your unconditional love and they  can’t help, but genuinely love you back in return.

You are beautiful.  No matter how ugly you think you are, how overweight you think you are, or how out of date you feel you are dressed.  You hold the key to your children’s past.  You have been their faithful provider, relentless cheerleader, and trustworthy protector.  You are perfectly beautiful in their eyes.

Sure they complain about most of what you do and they demand that they need their space.  Yet,  your children know who to come to when they need advice or something taken care of that no one else, but you, can be trusted to handle.

God sees you where you are and how hard you have tried to raise strong christian children. He’s got your imperfections covered. He will fill in the gap. You are, in fact, HIS CHILD and he wants to bless and uplift you during this time of celebration!

Therefore, this Mother’s Day, you need to forgive yourself for not being perfect.  Take this day to commemorate all of the rocking, singing, cooking, laundry, diapers, bottles, shopping, baths, praying, dressing, homework, school projects, games, vacations, photos, tantrums, praying again, minor emergencies, sickness, training, praying once more, dragging to church, praying there, and fighting the devil that you have done on behalf of your beloved children!  

It’s true, you are not a perfect mother, but you are definitely close!

Happy Mother’s Day Mommas! No one can take your place…Ever. Period!

25. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

26. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

27. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

28. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

Proverbs 31:25-28