Christian Walk,  Prayer

The Life of a Caterperson

Caterpillars are sometimes colorful, but for the most part they are kinda fuzzy, icky, and somewhat ugly. We don’t typically “ooh” and “ahh” over them.  Generally, we tend to imagine what they will become.  We realize they are in a slow growing and morphing process (but not really because it’s only 2 to 5 weeks and then they are in the chrysalis for 8-12 days).  By the time they become a beautiful butterfly, we have totally forgotten what they used to look like and how long it took them to get where they are!

Now, for a moment, compare your life to that of a butterfly.  When you look back at old pictures of yourself in that awkward stage, remember that was your time of being a caterpillar, so to speak.  You were not ugly, you were just taking in nutrients, learning to adapt to your environment, and concentrating on being the best that you could be at the time. Maybe, you are haunted by thoughts of the things you did or said in grade school or high school… remember you were still young and learning.  Forgive yourself. Perhaps there are people you need to apologize for things you did or said in order to put your mind at ease.  However, you were not yet a butterfly when these things occurred.  Therefore, you have to forgive yourself to move on in life.  Your past is NOT who you are right now…unless you have failed to take the time in your chrysalis to change.

If you have just recently found yourself in a chrysalis, don’t despair!  This is the vital time of growth before beauty! I’ll be honest.  Growth is tough when you have a house full of children to raise, bills to pay, work (inside and outside the home), schedules, errands, and the stress of today’s world.  Oh yes… and people to deal with! Yet, growth is necessary for every Christian.  Let me give you a bit of advice on how to do just that more easily:

  • It’s often hard to know where to start reading the Bible. Then, when you choose a place to start, you don’t understand half of what you have read.  I suggest that you choose different Bible Studies (one at a time, of course) that will help you delve into every aspect of the subject while connecting it to other parts of the Bible.  You have daily verses, written activities that apply to your life, and thought provoking questions.  All of this can be done at your own pace and at your own time of the day. I believe I can see a crack in that chrysalis opening up already! (I am currently in one of Priscilla Shirer’s many Bible studies.  Her father Tony Evans also has some great ones.)
  • Continuously listen and look for God’s direction, especially in prayer, but also in the everyday happenings of life. He shows up daily, but we are not always tuned in!
  • Be aware and available to the needs of others.  We grow by learning from being servants to others… in the department store, at the doctor’s office, at the park, etc.
  • Take time to praise God and rejoice over what he has already accomplished in your life. I’m raising my hands in praise here folks!  He’s brought me out of the pit of darkness!
  • Ask God what he would have you to do according to his will and set goals according to what he leads you to do. 
  • Use your talent. What good would a caterpillar’s talent of creating a chrysalis be, if it failed to use that talent. Your talent is a vital part of your makeup! Who knew? Right?
  • How much more do you know about being a Child of God now than when you were first saved?  How much more of the Bible do you have etched in your memory?  How different are your reactions to unpleasant situations?  How different do you treat people? How has your outlook on life changed? A caterpillar knows his goal is change for the glory of our Divine Creator.

How much more do you know about being a Child of God now than when you were first saved?  How much more of the Bible do you have etched in your memory?  How different are your reactions to unpleasant situations?  How different do you treat people? How has your outlook on life changed? A caterpillar knows his goal is change for the glory of our Divine Creator.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1