Christian Walk

Are You Superstitious?

On Mt. Carmel, the center of the idol worship of Baal, Elijah held a competition to prove that there is only one true God.  The prophets of Baal prepared their sacrifice and cried out to their gods.  They begged, danced, and cut themselves, hoping above all hope, that their god would answer by bringing a tremendous display of fire.  Since the gods they prayed to were made out of stone, there was no answer.  Then, Elijah called for his altar to God to be covered with water several times over.  You know the story…God rained down fire from Heaven to prove his existence.!  

Even in the day in which we live, our heavenly father continues to prove his almighty singular God existence. Time and time again, God has rescued us in our “no hope, no way out” situations and proved that he is the only one capable of doing so!

Why then do we follow after false gods?  Yes, we Christians are not as true as we lead ourselves to believe.  In fact, we are often like Dory!  You remember her don’t you?  “Hey everybody!  God is soooo good…he’s all we need!”  Suddenly, a black cat crosses our path and we scream, “oh no!  Now, I’m going to have bad luck for sure!”  We run to pick a four leaf clover or grab a rabbit’s foot to cancel out all of the bad luck.  Next, we decide to head on our merry way spreading the good news of Jesus.  “Look there’s a newspaper! Let’s look up our horoscope to see what tomorrow holds! Bummer! I’m going to have marriage problems this month.  I’ll have to pray about that!  Let’s go get a fortune cookie to see if there is anything bright in our future!”

We can laugh, but we know it’s true.  All of the superstitious nonsense is straight from Satan.  He uses superstitions to control our thoughts and actions. Satan’s goal is to make us fear and doubt God’s ability.  We don’t need four leaf clovers, rabbit’s feet, or anything else for good luck.  God is absolutely all that we need!  In fact, there is no such thing as bad luck.  You can absolutely walk under a ladder, have a great Friday the !3th (I did! My first child was born!), and see the bride before the wedding.

Wait what?  What?  

It’s true!  There is no such thing as luck – good or bad.  Everything that happens, happens for a reason.  God leaves nothing to chance.  Things happen because of the choices we make.  The end result of our choices will be determined by whether or not we stay in touch with God and follow his directions throughout life.

From now on, maybe we should say, “blessings to you” instead of good luck! …And if you see a black cat, pet it! 

Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.

Acts 17:22