
Where Do You Sit In Church?

People say that history repeats itself! If we are wise, we can learn from the mistakes of others with similar situations.  Therefore, it’s totally a valid question of this day and the times in which we live. Holding my breath, here goes….Where do you sit in church? 

Do you climb up in the tree with Zacchaeus, just hoping to get a glimpse of Jesus.  You realize, because of your small stature, that the odds of seeing Jesus over the crowd are slim.  So, you arrive before others and climb as high as you can to insure you actually see him.  Indeed! There you are and Jesus sees you!  He will go home with you today.

Could it be that you sit with the Scribes and the Pharisees making sure everyone follows God’s laws to a “T.”  You scan the congregation and mentally note the sins of others, but excuse yourselves for doing the same things?  Do you feel that people are below you in God’s eyes or your own? Ouch! That hurts!

Do you sit by the woman with the issue of blood?  Like her, do you have a long history of sickness and are relentless in getting to touch the hem of his garment?  Do you have the faith to receive the healing that is offered to you?

Do you sit with Jonah?  You know that God wants to use you, but you are afraid, so you turn the other way?  You’ve found yourself in the belly of a huge fish and you want out of the stinky, horrid place!  You are indeed miserable.

Do you sit with Sarah?  Are you heartbroken because you feel you have run out of time for the promise that you so desire?  Then, when he delivers the promise, you laugh in surprise?  Where is your relentless faith?

Did you walk in with questions of salvation and sit with the rich man?  When you weighed the costs of giving up your lifestyle to Jesus, you walked away to follow your own lusts?

Do you sit with Abraham because you too are willing to present your whole life on the altar of God, knowing full well that he is able to provide your sacrifice?  Have you offered your children to God, knowing he will be their rescue?

Can I make a suggestion?  If you are a tired, thirsty, outcast, sit beside the lady at the well.  Jesus will stop by and give you living water that you will be made whole and never thirst again!

Perhaps you prefer to sit just outside the church door hoping to live off the crumbs that others let fall… a word here and there… or a Bible verse from this one…. or a prayer from that one as they go inside to eat at the table or as they come out full from the banquet. You forget that God’s table was designed to let everyone who will come and dine.  God doesn’t wanna see his children starving or begging for crumbs!

 As you can see, your actions can be found in history!  In order to learn from the mistakes of history, we must see the results of others’ actions and take a different route for our desired outcome. The Bible truly is a treasure book!  Find yourself in The Book and be made whole!

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

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