Life,  Prayer

You Got The Next Minute!

Ugh!!! Lord, I’ve failed again!  It’s just January 4th and I’ve already broken my diet (What? I got really, really hungry!), quit exercising (Yah, you know I just don’t have the energy that I used to.), failed to pray daily, (I fell asleep a few times before I remembered!), and I’ve not been faithful to read my Bible daily. (Again, I fell asleep before I remembered.)

If this sounds like you, don’t let Satan trick you into thinking the whole year is lost!  You don’t have to wait until January 2022 to make a fresh start!  Perhaps you had a strong desire to do what is right when you made those resolutions.  However, you failed to make a real workable plan of action for each.  Every new minute that God gives you in this life is a chance for a fresh start! “Thank you Lord!”

Let’s look back over the areas in which you failed.  If you failed your diet, had you created a meal plan for each meal?  Did you make sure the needed food items were in your kitchen?  As far as exercise, did you find music that you could exercise along with or is there a friend that you could talk with while you exercise?  I’m assuming that since you fell asleep before you prayed and read your Bible that you saved it for the last thing you do each day.  How much more successful might you be, if you did those things in the morning or immediately after you get home in the evenings?  Timing is a large percentage of how successful you are at reaching your goals.

I find that my mind is often all over the place.  I want to do so much and be successful at everything.  Yet, when I don’t accomplish everything daily, I feel like a failure.  Therefore, this year, I decided to make a list of things that I want to do.  I knew I wouldn’t be successful in doing all those things daily.  So, I allow myself to feel accomplished if I am able to do one or more things each day (preferably more).  Keep in mind, my goal is to eventually have the list memorized so that it becomes my way of life without even having to think about it. I’m not gonna be shy and hide my list away.  I’ll be nice and share it with you!  You may think of other things you could add to your own list.  I’m sure I’ll eventually add to mine.

Before I share my list, I want to tell you where I place it.  I knew that I wouldn’t be able to remember the list.  That’s why I purchased a yearly planner.  It’s all cute and personal! I just love it! Planners are all the rage now anyway, right?  Anyhoo, I placed my list at the beginning of the month in the notes section. That way, I will see it each day and hold myself accountable.  No judgement, okay?  Again, it is my personal list.  You can create your own.  I’ll let you and God work that out! Keep in mind that these are in no particular order.

Praise – I start each day by praising God for something.  You may think it’s funny, but today I praised God for giving me a vehicle and license because I remembered a time when I didn’t have them that I had to walk everywhere…even to church.

Pray –  I do this to start out my day.  I need all the help I can get before I step one foot out of the bed!

Read –  I read at least a chapter of the Bible every day.  I carry my phone (Bible App) wherever I go. Sometimes, I read the chapter while waiting to be called for an appointment.  Other times, I read on my lunch break.  But, I find the best time to read is when I am in the quiet and comfort of my home.

Ponder – I give myself time to think and evaluate my relationship with Christ.  I ponder what I could do to make the relationship stronger.  Obviously, he’s got his part all figured out!  I guess I do this because as a teacher, we have to evaluate each lesson and how it could be improved in order to be more effective.  In short, my desire is to be an effective Christian. How about you?

Listen – So often we cry out to God for our wants and needs. We frequently give him praise. Unfortunately, we forget the most valuable action of listening to what God wants to speak to our minds. Imagine, if you will, your children asking you for things continuously, but never listening to you. It’s not a pretty thought is it?

Repent – The Bible says that our prayers are not answered, if we are not right with God.  That lets me know real quickly that I better find time daily to ask for forgiveness! Psalm 66:18.

Witness – This is what our whole existence is about.  This is OUR PURPOSE. This is why God leaves us on Earth after we are saved…to spread the Good News!

Uplift –  You’ll agree that life is hard even at it’s best.  I want to intentionally uplift those around me who need it.

Help –  Each day people need assistance.  I want to show Christ’s love by helping others.

Clean –  I want to clean house, clean my vehicle, clean my workplace to honor God for what he has given me. However, if you come to my house, just remember, I started this list on the first.  I haven’t had time to clean all the mess and I’m remodeling!

Do what is right – Whenever I have doubts about what I should do, I remind myself to do the right thing and I don’t have to apologize for it!

Worship – It doesn’t just happen in the church house.  I can and should give God adoration and reverence wherever I am throughout the day.

Love – There are so many times in this life that we meet rude, angry, greedy, hurting, ungodly people.  I try to look at them through the eyes of God and just love them anyway.

And there you have it, my list of things to do to keep me out of trouble and on the right track! Let me encourage you to get yourself a planner or at least make a written list of your goals.  When you fail, trust me – you will because that’s what humans do, remind yourself that you have the next minute to make a fresh start.  You only fail when you quit doing anything at all!  I can feel it, this will be the best year yet!

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

Proverbs 16:3

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, you pray for me and I’ll pray for you! Let’s shine our lights bright in this dark world! God is free, but not everyone has a relationship with him. Be a light! Be a light! Be a light! What did I say? Be a light!

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