Children,  Life,  School

Our Last Day Together

It’s one of those days that happen, when later people ask you, “What were you doing the day Elvis Presley died?” or “What were you doing on September 11th, 2001?”  I don’t think I will ever forget March 13th, 2020.  At the time, I had no clue the impact it would have on my life or the lives of my students.  It was just another day of hustle and bustle in the classroom.  However, looking back on the conversations of that day, I get “chill bumps.”

I remember standing in front of the classroom trying to convince my students how important it was for them to get into ”high gear” because we had to make sure we were prepared for the swiftly approaching KPREP Test.  As I looked around the room, I didn’t feel like I saw concerned faces.  I lifted my hands in the air and remarked, “I really don’t think you all are taking the test serious enough.”  Out of the first row of desks, a feisty female student commented, “Mrs. Bargo, I think you are too serious about that ol’ test.  It’s not “THAT” important!”  I could feel the heat rising in my face. I honestly had to intentionally rewire my anger.  At first, I thought she was smarting off.  I mean, how dare a student to so boldly insinuate that our end of the year tests were not important!!!!  Pulling myself back together mentally, I presented the biggest smile that I could muster up, took a deep breath, and explained, “I know we’ve hit the lessons hard this year.  However, your tests don’t just tell me what you know.  They tell me if I have been babysitting all year or if I have actually taught you all something.”  Of course, this relentless student didn’t give up.  She continued with a smile, “Still, I think you should chill … just a little least for today.  Let us have an extra recess or something.”  I smiled, shook my head, and replied, “Uh, no! That won’t be happening!”  For the rest of the day, when I would see that particular student, I would think to myself, “She really could care less about how she does on the KPREP Test! Doesn’t she understand its value?”  My pride was wounded for sure.

At around two o’clock I gave in, I decided to allow the students to have an orange drink and cookies because one of the parents had left in the office for us.  By this time, we assumed we wouldn’t be back to school for probably two weeks at the most anyway.  We had just been told that there was a new virus going around and we had to take time off to give our leaders a chance to get it under control.  Of course, I had already begun to wonder, “How in the world will I make up for lost teaching time?  How will this affect the KPREP Tests?”  I can tell you now.  My students didn’t think one little moment about them!

Later on in the afternoon at dismissal, another student came to my desk.  He picked up the silver hand bell that was sitting beside my computer.  He questioned, “Why do you have this bell here on your desk anyway?  You never use it.”  I replied, “I keep it there to remind my students how teachers in the olden days used to call their students in from recess or call them to order…usually inside an old country church.” He remarked, “Oh, cool!”  Then, as the students filed out of the room one by one, they were rejoicing over the fact that they would be getting a “little” break. I’m not gonna lie, there was a part of me that welcomed a “short” break.

Fast forward a week and a half, I heard Governor Beshear request that all churches ring their bells at the same time since congregations couldn’t meet in person due to the Coronavirus.  My mind instantly went back to the bell on my desk.  The meaning of it had now changed for me.  It was no longer used to call people inside the church, but was now a reminder of how the Caronavirus had prevented church entry and caused the loss of religious freedom.  Furthermore, I realized that finally someone must have been worried about state testing as much as I was because it was announced that the KPREP Testing was cancelled for the school year!!! I’m guessing most teachers were like me and shouted, “Praise the Lord!”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before students, parents, and teachers were complaining about all the NTI Work.  We wanted school back in session for “Pete’s Sake.” I received messages from my students that told me how much they missed me and their school friends!  Yet, in my heart I knew by this time that there was a real chance I wouldn’t have these particular students in class again this school year … or ever.  There were too many green lights being lit across Kentucky on porches, businesses, and government buildings.  The death toll was rising.  We never saw it coming…..

I was right.  The students didn’t return to school.  On the last day of school, I chuckled, “She was right.  I WAS too serious (and stressed) about the KPREP Test.”  I promised myself that day that I would never again get so uptight over things that could change in an instant.  Oh, I’ll still give it all I’ve got for sure, but Caronavirus has taught me a little bit about deeply loving and thoroughly enjoying the people I have with me at the time!  I’ve learned to never take a moment for granted.

Ironically, I recently received a private message from the female student who wanted me to “chill.”  She said, “I know I was, but be honest. Who was your favorite kid?”  I responded whole heartedly, “You all were my favorites! I love you all and I really wish we’d had more time together.”

The first day of school is swiftly approaching.  School employees are wondering … and truthfully most are stressing about what our days will look like this year.  We are concerned because the Coronavirus is still with us.  Honestly though, we want our students back in our classes!  We want to enjoy their lively or introverted personalities.  We want to mold young lives!  However, I have determined that no matter what process we are given, I will do everything in my power to meet my students at their point of need, enjoy our time together, and stay focused on what really matters and “chill!“ I think I’ll ring my little bell every time we meet together electronically or in person!

There are many reasons why God chose to allow the Caronavirus to infiltrate America.  I don’t know why, but I do know that it was done purposely.  There are no “by chances” with God.  Furthermore, I know that God’s Plan is to always take care of his children in every situation. That’s why we should never stress over what’s going on around us.  We need to keep a merry heart and have faith that God knows what He’s doing and it is for our ultimate good.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Philippians 1:6

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