• Health,  Life,  Prayer

    Clean Ourselves Up and Out! Part 1

    I, like many of you, tried to start eating healthy on January 1st.  Unfortunately, I, also like many of you, failed miserably!  Why?  I failed because…well I asked God to help me and then I went to search for his answer in the Bible.  Wouldn’t you know it!  The very first verse I turned to was… Man shall not live by bread alone.  I’ve got proof! I need my fried foods and sweets!  It’s Matthew 4:4!  Ever so quickly, I arose from his holy word and began to happily eat whatever I wanted.  I hadn’t stopped eating junk until today!  Now, if this sounds silly to you, you are one…

  • Children,  Family,  Life,  Married Life,  School

    How Do You Measure Success?

    How do you measure your personal success?  Perhaps you are only happy with yourself, if you meet the days quota at work.  Success to you might mean making the most money possible in one day. For some occupations, success means arriving back home alive.  Students would call an A+ on a test a success. How we measure our own success could potentially be causing us unnecessary daily stress and feelings of failure …even hopelessness.  Yet, where does it all start? Each evening we go to bed with a mental checklist of things that we think we NEED to accomplish throughout the next day.  Let’s imagine yours looks something like this:…