Life,  Truth

Depart from Procrastination Station

You recall looking at the mess for more than a month.  Every…single…day…you pass by it and moan with regret, but not enough to do anything about it today…maybe tomorrow… or the next day…quite possibly the weekend.  You tell yourself that you don’t have time to finish it today, so there’s no use in starting.  You’re just not feeling it.  I’ll bet, if you found out that company was coming, you’d have it cleaned in a couple of hours at least.  Then again, you may just close the door to that room!

Think about it.  The project that could have been finished in an hour or two, possibly a day, has caused you a month (or more) of frustration!  Why do we do this to ourselves?  Satan causes us to procrastinate in order to steal our joy, to keep our mind off of other things that we should be focusing on, and to keep our minds captive so we don’t praise.  Remember, praising God brings power!

What to do?  What to do?  Look to the truth, of course!

  • We need to first create a plan of the order in which the task needs to be accomplished.  Folks, we need a vision of what the finished product will look like!
  • Then, we need to gather all the tools and supplies needed for the project.
  • Maybe our schedules won’t allow us to complete the task in one day, but we can do one small step of our plan every day to eventually see the task through completion.
  • We shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help when it’s needed.  We all need each other from time to time!  Most people feel blessed to be able to help out a friend in need…at least I do!
  • Last, but not least and shouldn’t really be last: Pray before we start, pray during the task, and pray a prayer of thanks when ’ve finished!

Why am I writing this?  I assume you want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  I have been looking at a bedroom full of “stuff” for over a month.  My new bedroom furniture was supposed to be delivered months ago for another room. So, I put all of the contents of the old dresser and chest in the extra bedroom. Plus, I have been waiting to get my downstairs painted. Therefore, some of my procrastination is legit.

Anyway, here I sit feeling dejected because I still have an overwhelming task that is long overdue.  I have procrastinated completing it so long that I am miserable every time I walk by that room! I knew my time of procrastination had to come to an end when I was asked to bring my married daughter’s birth certificate the next time I came for a visit. Guess where her birth certificate is located.  In the middle of my mess…somewhere!

Come on folks!  Let’s depart from the Procrastination Station! 

The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.

Proverbs 13:4