• Life

    Attitude Matters!

    I want to remind you that the information in my blogs is always from the heart and true.  Today, I recalled a series of events that happened to me right before Christmas this past year.  Let me rewind a bit first. My children are ages 16, 18, 24, and 27. After years of filling Christmas stockings for the whole family with comical things for laughs, I decided that I would just start filling my two-year-old’s stocking with the good stuff.  I honestly thought everyone was tired of the silliness anyway! When I told my twenty-four year-old son, he complained, “Awe, don’t stop, that was always the most fun part of…

  • Family,  Life

    Oh Baby!

    I am such a sentimental soul.  When my children were growing up, I always wanted to have a doll made that looked like each of them so that I could always remember how they looked as a baby. I even kept one of their original baby outfits to put on the doll.  Unfortunately, life got in the way and that never happened.   Fast forward sixteen years and my oldest daughter made me a Gigi by delivering a gorgeous baby boy.  I was certain I could surely find a doll that looked like him… and I did! The doll had gorgeous blue eyes and light brown hair.  Amazingly, It’s chubby little…

  • Life

    Might As Well Laugh

    It isn’t every day that I make a fool of myself, but when I do, I do an extremely awesome job!  However, that’s life…right? As soon as one eye opens each morning, we begin to try to protect ourselves from being laughed at because we consider that a sign of failure.  Trust me! Satan loves to tell us this lie because it keeps us self-absorbed and causes us to be inactive Christians! Well honey, let me tell you.  I have FINALLY learned after ** years in this life.  It is imperative that we learn to laugh at ourselves.  That is, if we don’t want to live life on a never…

  • Life,  Prayer

    A Treadmill Angel

    Lord have mercy on all of us out of shape, over-weight ladies! I was watching a popular television show yesterday where women trade lives with other women.  The first woman had to start eating junk food and learn to relax more – I DO NOT have that problem at all. The second woman was forced to do three hours of exercise each day for a week. Yes, she cried.  I couldn’t believe the first lady exercises that much every day of her life! That’s totally insane!!! I bet she actually cheats. Don’t you?   Anyways, fast forward to today.  After I got home from work, I decided to try to COMMIT…