
Might As Well Laugh

It isn’t every day that I make a fool of myself, but when I do, I do an extremely awesome job!  However, that’s life…right? As soon as one eye opens each morning, we begin to try to protect ourselves from being laughed at because we consider that a sign of failure.  Trust me! Satan loves to tell us this lie because it keeps us self-absorbed and causes us to be inactive Christians!

Well honey, let me tell you.  I have FINALLY learned after ** years in this life.  It is imperative that we learn to laugh at ourselves.  That is, if we don’t want to live life on a never ending rollercoaster.  “Great! I answered his question without making a complete fool of myself.”  “Oh no! I can’t believe I couldn’t remember her name! We went to high school together.  She probably thinks I am stupid now.”

Let me give you an example of how to handle the situation when Satan spikes his evil head.  Once after supper, I decided to take a nap before church. I took off my sweater and hung it up nicely so that I wouldn’t have to re-iron it.  At 6:46, my son Jacob began to tug on my shoulder. “Mom! Hurry and get up! We’re gonna be late for church!” I glanced at the clock and thought, “There is no way I will be able to get ready for church in time.”  Missing wasn’t an option for my son. He literally grabbed my hand and helped me out of bed. I stumbled in my dark closet and pulled on my sweater, swiped a brush through my hair, and rushed to my van. I was a few minutes late, but I chose Jesus! Go me!  I just knew Jesus was proud of me. I thought to myself as I slid quietly in the pew, “I love you Lord. Thank you for getting me here. Thank you for all that you do for me. I am so blessed!”  

Just then, the song leader asked us to stand to sing the next hymn.  I grabbed a song book and stood up. “Wait a minute.” I thought to myself.  “Where are the leaves on my sweater?” Then, I looked down at the cuff on my sleeve.  It was inside outwards. I felt the back neckline of my sweater. Sure enough, the tag was on the outside.  Low and behold, I had worn my sweater inside-out… to church…in front of God and everybody! As I felt the heat rise on my face, my first thought was to get up and leave in complete humiliation.  My second thought was to be so embarrassed that I wouldn’t be able to focus on the message. Now that I think of it, I should have probably stepped out to the restroom and simply put my sweater on correctly.  However, I realized my flaw wasn’t that noticeable, except to me!

I determined right then and there that I wasn’t going to let Satan ruin my worship service.  I simply giggled to myself and shared my incident with a few of my friends after church. I hope it taught them a lesson too!

Let me challenge you:  Laugh at yourself daily.  Always remember, Pobody’s Nerfect!

A merry heart

doeth good like a medicine:

but a broken spirit

drieth the bones.

Proverbs 17:22

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