
Your Truth-My Truth

People today claim they have their own truth.  I can totally agree with that when it comes to their favorite ice cream, favorite book, or favorite type of clothing.  However, when it comes to life’s truths, ours is all the same.  How do I know?  I’m just brilliant like that… just kidding!  Seriously, God is truth, He breathes truth, He speaks truth, He promises truth, and He expects His truth to be found in us.

God’s word is above every other word in the world.  Why? The Holy Bible is alive!  It speaks truth to us in whatever God wants to reveal to us individually.   However, that doesn’t mean that our truths are different.  Let me give you an example:

2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Daniel read this verse and heard God speak truthfully to him that he should not be afraid to go into his boss’s office tomorrow to ask for the newly vacant position.  He realizes he may not get the position, but he definitely should have enough courage to ask.  Who knows, maybe it will open up to an even greater opportunity in the near future.

Jessica feels so unloved by those co-workers who claim to be her friends.  She overheard them mocking her behind her back today.  Now, she’s depressed and fears that she will never find a group of true friends that honestly have her best interest in mind.  God spoke to her through this verse and encouraged her to not be depressed.  He assured her that she has enough strength to wait until she is able to form a close friendship.  In the meantime, he wants her to use her sound mind to be a good example of a real friend to those around her at work. 

Wendi just found out that she is pregnant.  She wasn’t planning on starting a family so soon after marriage.  She has only been at her current job for eight months.  She stressed, “What will the boss think?  What will Austin say?  Can we afford a child right right now?” In tears, she opened her Bible and read the previous verse.  She understood that God was not the one causing all this fear.  He spoke to her heart and let her know that everything would be just fine.  He reminded her that it was all in His plan.

Do you see now how God uses the same verse to speak the same truth in three different situations?  God’s truth doesn’t change.

Now, let’s look at what other people call their own truths from the Bible.

Exodus 20:14

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Tammie admits, “I know God said that we shouldn’t commit adultery, but he understands how unloving my husband is to me.  I know God loves me and he wants me to feel loved. So, He says my relationship with someone else is okay.”  Red Alert! Red Alert!

Brent laughs, “Man, God knows my woman is on the edge of crazy.  He understands that I seek someone else to calm my nerves.  I’m a good guy, right?”  Red Alert!  Red Alert!

Kessa cries, “I don’t mean to feel this way about James.  He’s just been trying to help me with my marriage.  I feel so close to God when I’m near him.  That’s a good thing, right?”  Red Alert! Red Alert!

Neither of these “so called truths” are from God.  Our conscience is only a microphone from the outside forces.  It is indeed used by God to tell us his truth, but it is also used by Satan to whisper lies to us.  A person who has been taught in their past that sin is okay under certain circumstances will gladly accept Satan’s lies over God’s truths.  However, the fact remains, God’s word is truth and it doesn’t change with each person’s circumstance.

In fact, there are many humbling consequences to disobeying God’s truths.  God has no part in sin.  Therefore, by following those “so called truths,” we are removing ourselves from God’s presence.  Our prayers will not be answered.  There are many more consequences, but the end result is always the same:  pain, humiliation, loss of character, loneliness, and grief …race back to God’s truth my friend!

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32

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