
It’s Good Friday!

My heart aches.  It’s Good Friday, but Jesus has been killed.

I envision his mother there on her knees crying uncontrollably.  She remembers the visit from the angel proclaiming his arrival.  Wasn’t her son sent to be Lord of all?  The angel had said she was highly favored.  She didn’t feel highly favored. She felt the weight of all the anger and anguish of this place on her shoulders.  Peering up at her precious son, bitter tears stung Mary’s face and drenched her cloth.  She felt as if her heart would surely crumble. Jesus was unrecognizable. His crimson blood flowed down the wooden cross and onto the ground.  The smell was raw.  His flesh was torn into shreds. The crown of thorns were cutting into the skin on his skull. Mary wondered how these cruel people could kill the one who had healed their sick, raised their dead, and brought peace and truth in their hearts.  Fear and jealousy, she assumed.

Meanwhile, Barabbas was walking free like everyone else… like you and I walk today in our sin. 

What happened to all the people who had witnessed Jesus’ miracles and sound instruction?  I’m sure they were also heartbroken.  Now, they wondered what they would do in times of need.  Their Lord was gone.  Deep fear had to have dwelt within their heart. They were now alone in the dark world without hope… like the lost walk in our dark world today.

In fact, many times we Christians walk in the world’s darkness in fear, anger, and hopelessness.  When things out of our control happen, we wring our hands and wonder what we are going to do.  We message, call, or visit friends for advice on how we can solve our problems.  We cry.  We pace the floor.  When things happen that we don’t expect, we assume we are alone to figure it all out.  Could it be that our minds are still focused on friday?

Matthew 27

45.  Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.

46.  And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Jesus is dead.  What’s so good about friday? …wait for it!

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