
A Scavenger Hunt!

Reflection is a great tool!  Not only does it help us to self-assess in order to go forward in life as a better person, it also helps us to appreciate fond memories.  In addition, it shows us how God has directed our steps throughout life. Now that we who are mainly confined to our homes because of the Coronavirus are getting so bored, I thought it would be a great time to go on a reflective scavenger hunt!  For those of you on the front lines battling the Coronavirus, God bless you and thank you! I know you don’t have time for such activities right now, but I pray you will in the near future!

First of all, what you need to do is have a camera ready! As you are riding around in a vehicle, you may spot one of the items on the list.  Pull over and take your needed photo. You may also find some of the things on your list by simply walking around your own home.

Here we go!  Take a picture of the following things in order to successfully complete the scavenger hunt.  Next, post them on facebook and share your photo groupings with me. Finally, explain one memory this activity reminded you of and where you found the scavenger hunt list!


  1. A stained glass window
  2. A semi-truck
  3. An outside water feature
  4. A picture of where you attended first grade
  5. The place you were born
  6. A police car
  7. A hen house
  8. A place where you played as a child
  9. A beautiful tree
  10. A gate entrance
  11. An ambulance
  12. Something you played with as a child (it doesn’t have to be the actual item.)
  13. An alleyway
  14. A brick or stone walkway
  15. A steeple
  16. A building that once was something else or other place of business
  17. An old house
  18. A bridge
  19. A stream
  20. A statue

Believe it or not, I have given you plenty of things to ponder today.  Think seriously on these things and don’t be afraid to share in a testimony of what God has done in/with your life to those you meet in the future!  Even Mary, the mother of Jesus understood the value of reflection!

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

Luke 2:19

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