Life,  Prayer

Relentless Faith

Many children today have been lied to so often that they have determined adults can’t be trusted.  Momma promised to be home by dark, but she wasn’t. So, the young girl was left home alone, in the dark, scared, and crying.  Daddy promised to come to the young boy’s school play, but he had an excuse as to why he never showed. Mommy promised she wouldn’t pawn this year’s Christmas presents from the school, but she did.  Daddy promised not to get angry and beat the family anymore, but they still get bruises… often.

Adults in today’s world read and hear untruths almost hourly.  There is back-biting and drama in the workplace. Spouses aren’t always faithful.  People say they will show up to work or help out, but they don’t. Orders come in the mail, but they are far below the quality that the advertisement represented.  People get offended when you won’t help them do something dishonest! Unfortunately, adults too have learned that other adults can’t be trusted.

Therefore, what happens in a world where there is little trust when tragedy, devastation, or the unthinkable takes place?  In the Bible, God promises to meet the needs of his people when we have faith. We are so accustomed to not putting faith in people, in order to protect our feelings, that it becomes harder to identify with our Heavenly Father who can always be trusted, no matter what!

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to have faith that God will work out a problem for someone else than it is to have faith that God will solve the problem weighing down your heart?  Our fleshly minds have a hard time comprehending that God loves us unconditionally and wants to deliver the desires of our hearts. Plus, we want things done our way, because we think we know best how to fix our problems.  Yes, we can have faith for the other person because it won’t hurt us as much if God chooses to answer in a different, but far better way than was requested.

Where are our mustard seeds?  Jesus performed numerous miracles in the Bible, but every one of them required faith.  Can we not make a commitment to ourselves that we will completely trust God with all of our problems?  When we pray, can we not say, “God I trust you! I know you said that whatever I ask for when I pray, if I have faith, you will give me the desires of my heart.  I understand too, that you see the big picture and I don’t. So, I’m going to trust when you tell me “no” that it is the best for me. I am assured that you will answer my prayer in a far better way than I could have imagined.  

When we became a Christian, we asked Jesus to become Lord of our lives.  We admitted that we knew he loved us enough to die for us. Because of him, we are blemish free in the eyes of God.  He wanted a relationship with us so that he could talk with us daily and meet our needs. Why would he suddenly leave us helpless?… He wouldn’t.  We truly can have unwavering faith that when we pray everything will be taken care of by the one who loves us most!

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Mark 11:24

When we decide to possess relentless faith,
chains of addiction are broken,
sick family and friends are healed,
marriages are restored,
parents and children are reunited,
wombs are opened,
loneliness is replaced with interaction,
closed doors are opened,
enemies retreat,
mountains are removed,
depression subsides,
peace reigns,
hopeless people are saved,
and Satan’s tactics are in vain!

Somebody praise God with me!

Let’s all demonstrate some relentless faith y’all!

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