Family,  Life,  Prayer

There’s Not Just Ten Commandments!

If I asked you to, you could probably list all (or almost all) of the Ten Commandments.  Just for fun, you might want to grab a pen and see if you can list them all this very minute…or maybe not right now, right?  We Christians feel really good about ourselves when we can mention that we are abiding by those Ten Commandments.  However, we forget to stop and consider that the Ten Commandments in which God gave to Moses are not all the commandments that he has given to us. 

How many times has he asked us to go, to wait, to listen, to be still, to stop, to turn away, to fear not, to come, or to flee?  Do we recall when Jesus commanded, “Love one another, As I have loved you?” John 13:34-35  Have we been praying for our enemies? Matthew 5:44  Do we repent daily, since we sin daily? Matthew 4:17  Jesus knew what we would be facing in today’s times.  That’s why he commanded, “But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36“  Finally, do we remember when he commanded, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and  of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”? Matthew 28: 19-20 

The only way that we can possibly hope in keeping all of God’s Commandments is to have a close relationship with him.  You’ve heard it all before: pray continuously, read the bible daily, and so on.   However, it’s much deeper than that.  A relationship means that our minds and hearts are always open to what God is saying to us. We are always confident of his presence in our lives.  Everyone’s journey is different.  God may be telling you that it is a season to wait while he’s telling me that it’s a time to press forward.  Yet, no matter what season we find ourselves in, If we are truly God’s Children, then when the storms of life happen, he lifts his wings and shelters us safely underneath! Amen! Praise the Lord!  Right?

I want to share a short poem with you that God woke me in the middle of the night to share with me.  I knew if I didn’t grab something to write it down, I would forget it.  I hope it touches your heart like it has mine.

You’re Holding Me

Lord you’ve kept me safe and warm,

Through the raging of every storm.

When I thought the enemy would tear me into,

You’ve tenderly held me close to you.

A storm now rages both night and day,

Yet, I see you smile and hear you say,

“Dearly Beloved, do not fear,

Because your Father is ever near.

We have a bond, you and I,

That’s why I came to Earth to die.”

Lord, I don’t know what tomorrow’s tide will be,

But I know you’re always holding me!

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!  And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of your wings.  (Somebody raise your hands and praise God with me! Amen! Amen! Amen!)

Psalm 36:7

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